Monday, June 8, 2009

I will rise.

Jonathan and I spent Sunday in the Belton/Pelzer area for church, showers, and such before heading back home late last night around 10PM. 

We drove separate cars back because I had left the truck that I am currently driving at my parent's house on Thursday evening and hadn't yet had the chance to go and get it. 
Of course I love and cherish every moment I get to spend with my amazing husband, but it doesn't matter who you are, a good "me" time is always necessary every now and then. Having that quiet time alone, I think, better helps you to evaluate where you are at the moment, and, to just think about things. 

During this "me" time I was listening to HisRadio, and a song came on that, I have heard a couple of times since returning to the States. We've been home just a little over a month now, and while probably old to most of you, this song is very new to me. Like I said, I've heard it maybe 2 or 3 times, and each time I fall in love with it more and more. For me, it was a great message of encouragement, because lately, I am finding myself more and more "down" about my current job situation (although, there are SO many families out there facing a much more difficult situation than we could even begin to comprehend). It was exactly what I needed. 

I will Rise 
Chris Tomlin

Most that have heard this song associate it with the loss of a loved one. I can see that, but, God chose to use it in a different way to speak to me. No matter the uncertainty that I feel, God has called me for a purpose. And His time He will reveal His purpose. The grave could not hold the King and he faced death. How can I not arise to His calling when I am held by so little compared to His sacrifice for us??? 
My prayer is that I will simply allow God to love on me. And when He does call on me, whether it be for a job opportunity, or more importantly, to share His love with others, I want to rise. And grab hold to the faith that can bring me through anything that comes my way. And I pray for strength and trust to do so. 

Thanks for letting me share. :) 

1 comment:

SM Edens said...

I love this song too! Someone once told me that WE look at life from the bottom side of a masterpiece tapestry -- but the creator of life looks at it from the top (finished) side -- every stitch (even those that we sometimes question), He intends for the good of the final product. Keep looking for open doors and growth opportunities -- there is a "Master Plan". Love lots, San