***Before I begin, let me officially start by saying that I never use this blog as my own, personal platform (I see nothing wrong with that at all, I just never do it) but after having done much reflection over the past week, and more specifically tonight, I feel that in order to organize my thoughts, I really need to blog them.***
So, here goes....
Those lyrics have been sung by many men. Originally, Otis Redding, who I saw most fit to accredit them. Later sung by Sam Cooke, and most recently by Gavin DeGraw (with whom most of you might relate). These lyrics are absolutely PERFECT in summarizing the way I feel -no, strike that- my heart for the situation that our country is presently in.
First and foremost, let it be known that throughout this entire election, I have in NO way shown my affection/hate, advocacy/adversary, or stance towards either candidate. If you're a part of the Facebook Era, young or old, you're quite aware of a way to proclaim YOU through such things as "Bumper Stickers" and "Flair." I have been sent (by fellow Facebook-ers) the aforementioned, both proclaiming Obama/McCain as well as denouncing Obama/McCain, but have simply ignored this and moved on.
I WILL add, that in the very beginning, although having NEVER been "HIP, HIP HOORAY, YAY McCAIN" I did poorly choose to put effort into negating Obama....but quickly shut my mouth having known nothing about what either candidate stood for. Besides of course, what I chose to pick up on from other adults' conversations, not doing any research on the candidates myself.
I backed up and tried to ignore the election that was inevitable. I simply did not make the effort to do the research or watch most of the debates, and merely continued to sit back quietly, listening to those around me share their thoughts. That is why I feel, for my own sanity, and for the importance of the upcoming election day, to finally get my thoughts out there.
***Extensive internet and TV research that I've spent time doing over the past week goes into these reflections***
Here's what I got.
My heart aches.
Our country is not in a financial/economic crisis. It is not in an oil-supply related crisis. It is not in a tax related crisis.
It is in a state in which faith, prayer, and guidance are necessary to a country that once stood united under God and under His truths. We, as a nation, have lost it and cannot gain it back through any earthly man. I admire our current president for so many reasons and would say, I like George W (so many do not), but even a man as he couldn't have gotten our country where it's called to be and should be. NO man ever up for Commander in Chief of the United States will EVER save our great nation. Only God can do that.
My heart is so heavy and so burdened by this election.
I feel like I can't even form a sentence or make sense of this.
Before I give you my stance on both candidates, let me say that I choose neither. HOWEVER, I know the importance of voting -not just in helping make a lasting decision in our country, but the simple freedom I am exercising in doing so- and therefore must "choose the lesser of two evils." I see good and bad in both, and if you strongly disagree with something, please remember to be nice in your comments. Because again, I stress that I am in no way pursuing you towards the vote of either candidate. I am simply sharing my thoughts because I need to get them out there.
(-) too young
(-) naive about a nation that he feels is FILLED with good people when, unfortunately, it's just not anymore, relying on THIS to bring us back in many conditions to where we used to be
(-) does not have a realistic economic plan -some people work very hard for their earnings and to get where they are- you can't simply just take that away
(+) has an eager attitude to better our country -which IS important, because he does have a clear view in mind of the direction he'd like to take the nation in the next 4 years if elected
(+) a very intelligent man, yes, I believe him to be very smart and he carries an overall positive attitude that the country is in a dire need for
(+) is a family man, and has a visible, real relationship with his wife, and values her opinion, and this seems like such a tiny positive, when really, a very revealing one.
(-) too old
(-) does not have a realistic tax plan, and has made it far too simple, when taxes will inevitably and unfortunately always exist and always be complex
(-) a bitter, old man, negative attitude, that can and WILL directly effect the state of our nation
(+) knows the direction in which the Iraq war MUST go and realizes direct pull out would result in terrorism on American soil
(+) believes in breaking away from foreign countries in our dependence of oil, something that can, in turn, effect the economy
(+) believes in protecting the morals and values that follow suit with that of our forefathers
Just a few points that stick out in my mind, but definitely not all of them. As you can see, again I say, it is a choice of the "lesser of two evils."
Obama's claim to fame for his campaign slogan is, "Change. Vote for Change." To him, it's been all about "a change you can believe in." That is why I felt Mr. Redding's lyrics so fitting for how I felt. I don't know if Obama is right. I don't know if he has a change we can believe in. But, I DO know this. No matter the outcome, things ARE going to change. A change is gonna come. Yes it will.
What kind of a change?? That, I am not sure of.
Regardless, it doesn't matter WHO you vote for, please just VOTE. And, I also ask you (as I'm TELLING myself as well), PRAY. Spend time truly praying in the next couple of days, as we lead up to what I am sure will go down in history books as one of the most defining moments in our nation's history. Pray not that one candidate will win over the other, but pray for our country. Pray for our people as we all make this choice. Pray for our leaders. Pray that God will save us, as only He can. I urge you, beg you, pray.
And no matter the outcome, remember: he who wins will be leader of OUR country. So please, even if you disagree with your nation's choice, respect him. And pray for him. Because we will need it. And so will he.