Thursday, October 16, 2008

Visits and Fall Breaks :)

Hello :)

So....I know I didn't quite get those pictures posted....sorry. I'll get them up eventually. :)

A week between posts seems to be my normalcy....that's a good time frame I think.....don't you??? :)
In addition, I will say that I have really been trying to cut down on my internet usage. This was something that a VERY good friend of mine, Miss Jennifer Turner, inspired me to do through her post, What does discipline mean to you (whether she realizes it or not). Check it out. It's very encouraging, and it really has caused me to evaluate how much time I spend either checking email, on facebook, blogging, surfing the net, or just editing and playing with my pictures. I have been able to do really well so far, and I am beginning to see how much time it really can take up....if you allow it to do so.
And I've been using that time for things that actually need to get done. Overall, I'm very pleased so far. :)

Not much has been going on around the Edens' household lately.

As you probably remember, mama and daddy Edens were here to visit us for the weekend!!! :) We had the best time!!! Besides the DISGUSTING weather (it rained ALL w/end and it was SO windy....we tried to take some quality pictures of me and the hubby in beautiful downtown Charleston, but I'll be surprised if ANY of them look was a MESS!!) everything went really well. We ate a TON.....seriously. I don't know that I have ever eaten that much in one weekend!! We were STUFFED after EVERY meal!!! That's mainly what we Jestine's on Friday night, East Bay Crab Shack Saturday for lunch, Blue Rose Cafe for Saturday dinner, and Joe Pasta for Sunday dinner. We did (hopefully) walk all that off Saturday as we walked all through downtown and to the City Gallery at Waterfront Park to show off Jonathan's installation. That night we watched the original, The Birds, by Alfred Hitchcock which I had never seen before. It was very strange and creepy, but I enjoyed it a lot. Sunday we did manage to get our full little bellies over to Mt. P to hear Preacher Buster at E.Coop. He is so good! Jerry and Sandra both really enjoyed hearing him so we were glad. :) They didn't have a lot of time to hang out after lunch on Sunday and they headed home shortly after. We were sad to see them go because it was a thoroughly relaxed weekend and we had such a sweet time together!! AND, Sandra brought me a BEAUTIFUL fall wreath for the front door, but I think it's going to take some talking into with my hubby so we can put it up!! :) :)

Fall Break was nicely spent for me and Jonny. Sunday night we went to see Quarantine over on James Island, which I would NOT recommend....unless you have a man by your side so that you can hide your head throughout the movie. Don't ask Jonathan though...he loved it. Of course. :) It was very suspenseful, very gross, and very scary!!! However, we hadn't been to the movies in FOREVER -probably MONTHS ago- so it was a really nice date!!! :) Plus we each got a kids snack full of popcorn, a small drink, and gummies which I always enjoy. We had the best time!!
Monday was my favorite day though!! I have been CRAVING some sushi (LOVE, LOVE it) so we walked around downtown for a bit, then headed over to Sushi Hiro for lunch and had the Tempura Seafood and Crab and Philadelphia rolls. Mmmmm, yummy!! I am STILL craving it!!! Afterwards we walked around some more, then came home to chill for awhile before heading out that night to run some errands. The new Ben Folds CD came out and of course Jonny was about to burst to get it. So we headed to Best Buy to take care of that, then over to Wally World for the necessities (milk, light bulbs, etc.). Then, because my hubby LOVES me, he took me to Barnes and Noble and treated me to not only a Pumpkin Spice Frapp, but also the new Rosie Thomas CD!!! He is too good to me. :) We listened all the way home and then some!!

Tuesday was catch-up day. I'm telling ya, architecture NEVER ends....even on break!! I helped Jonny do some work later in the afternoon, but first we went to the college laundromat just down the street from home to take care of a TON load of laundry (judge not....I am GREAT at laundry, but we don't own a washer or dryer and this task can become difficult). He gave up 3 hours of his day to help me take care of this (which by myself would have taken about 8+ hours...c'mon ladies, you know!!) and we had 8 loads washing at one time!!! We spent a whole lot of quarters, but had a blast!! Who knew that going to the laundromat with your husband and doing laundry could be so much fun!??! That night I made us a DE-licious pot of salmon stew with all the fixings (you know...ketchup, cayenne pepper, saltines, bread and butter pickles) and we about popped. It was VERY good!!!

The rest of this week has been pretty uneventful....just working and taking care of things that need to be taken care of!! :) I don't have many pictures from fall break (we tried to just relax....I LOVE, LOVE to take pictures, but sometimes feel that it's an appendage to my I laid off for the first time ever) but I do have a couple I can share from the Edens' visit. :)

Hope your Thursday has been terrific......if it hasn't, do something to make it terrific RIGHT NOW!!! Even if it's just a great conversation with someone you love. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our dryer broke a couple of years ago and we used a laundromat for several weeks. Those were some great memories. It was quite entertaining as well. The laundromat is Williamston is a little scary! We took our pizza and Belle and stayed in the corner.