Ok. Now I told you I was going to do much better about this so here I am. And I don't have much time because there's a brand new Hills in about 10. So here goes.
Lately in Chas.... (or at least since a week and a half ago when I last updated)
1. My car done went broke. I mean b-r-o-k-e. Broke. It started acting up around last Saturday I guess and I believe it started when Bee St. was flooded like EVERYDAY since we had moved down here. With it raining almost everyday, the water when I drove down Bee St. was almost all the way up to my hood. Crazy....I know. So that continued to a lot of "in the red zone" -getting to the H- when I would sit at red lights and such....but it never overheated. Weird. So I drove it over to West Nastley to see Lydz on Tues. (with it continuing to do all this mess in-between Sat. and then) to hang out and ended up having to just leave my car there until the next night when Jonny could come and get it with me. So....I wake up Thurs. morning and drive to meet my sister and Courtney for lunch in S'ville and she talks me into taking my car to this guy that she's used before.
Long story short - he was somewhat rude to me (but not to my husband which leads me to believe he was this way to me b/c I'm a woman and he assumed I knew nothing about cars -correct assumption- OR b/c I'm a woman and I read into the way he was acting) but ended up doing a FABULOUS job on my car.
I ended up spending the rest of the afternoon at Courtney's house playing with Gracie the cat and watching the tube b/c the car guy said it would be ready at 6. This didn't happen b/c my car is crappier than I thought and needed more things done.
Soooo Ash picks me up after work (Courtney's house and the car place were like 2 seconds from
Scout Boats) and takes me back to her place. Jonny gets out of studio, packs a bag, and comes over to West Nastley so that he and I can stay the night (I had to go BACK to S'ville the next day b/c remember...my car isn't finished as of Thurs. evening. Jonny has to be back at studio early in the AM so Ash is my ride back out there).
I go back to Courtney's house and hang out watching the tv and playing with the kitty all day again, and finally at 4, my car is ready!! But....I had to wait for Ashley to get off of work to take me to get it, so a little after 5, I was back in the Ford Crapcort and on my way back home.
It felt SOOO good to drive a car that felt safe again. It was a nice chunk of change to get it fixed, but definitely worth every cent.
2. Whamm came into town Wed. night so the Edens and Lydz met up with him for dinner at the Blue Rose Cafe (DE-LISH-US. Oh my word, I love that place). We got ice cream afterwards and it was DEFINITE good times. Felt like
Clemson all over again! :)
3. This past Saturday
started off great! I woke up and watched a little bit of
ESPN Gameday with the hubby which was great because it was live and covering mainly the game of the season -Bama vs. My Tigers. We enjoyed this and got SUPER pumped. Then I had lunch and met Lydz and Marissa at Folly for the afternoon. We walked ALL the way to the pier from 10th street and back barefoot in the sand ... and I have the blisters to prove it!! We got burned a little bit, but it was all tan Sunday morning so it was a GREAT day at the beach!!!! Which was to lead to a GREAT night of
CLEMSON FOOTBALL...not. We got wings and hung out and they were delicious (everyone knows I LOVE food) and began watching what was supposed to be an amazing game.
I don't want to talk about it. That's all I have to say.
Lydz and I went down to the Piggly Wiggly during half time and stocked up on ultra sweets to help put us out of our miseries (ice cream, cake, cupcakes, chocolate chip cookie dough). Didn't work. The Tigers still the L-word.
4. Sunday was fabulous. Again. The family hit up
E. Coop Baptist and the sermon was great but this time we went to the more traditional service which was very odd to us because we all come from such contemporary home churches. Don't think we'll go back to the 10:15 sanctuary, but we'll definitely go back to one of the more contemp. services again. Check them out, they're a pretty cool church.
5. Labor Day was AMAZING!!!! Although Jonny DID have to go to studio throughout most of the day, the afternoon definitely made up for it!!! The beach and the pool were on the agenda, but it was so overcast, cloudy, and showers here and there around Chas that it just didn't work out. Instead, because my husband has been needing some new pants and polos for work, we drove out to N. Chas to the
Tanger Outlet and had an unbelievable time (ya'll know I love to shop as much as I love to eat)!!!!!!!!!!!
Can I just say how much I ADORE helping my husband pick out clothes?!?! I love it. It's been so long since we've done it, I forgot that I almost like helping him more than I do shopping for myself (almost folks,
almost.)!!! We got him some incredible deals and he looked super hott in all his new stuff.....and I managed to sneak in a new pair of jeans, a precious red skirt, and a fabulous pair of heels!!! It was so adorable how he was more than willing to buy them for me and remarked, "Oh yeaaaah...Put em' on up there. Of course you can have them!" when I asked if I could get each of the aforementioned items. It was so sweet how proud he was to buy these things for me. I love how good he is to his little shop-a-holic wifey. :)
And oh yes. My things were on sale too. I forgot to mention. ;)
Alrighty then. That's FINALLY got you caught up to the latest life of Lindz!!! Yay!! Now if I can just update you appropriately, I won't have to have such long posts each time!!!