Hope everyone out there is having a most fabulous day!! It sure has been a beautiful one here in Genoa. I actually took the time today to get some pictures of the Villa and the outside gardens, so hopefully soon you'll either
A) get to see some on here, or
B) at least get some type of link directly to those!! :)
Let's see what else....Italian class has been going molto buona!! We began having it this past Saturday and Sunday and have continued this week and we will finish up on Monday. We have it for 3 hours a day, and up until today we had broken that time up into 2 sessions. However, actual studio began today, so therefore we had to do the 3 hours all in 1 session with one 15 minute break. You're probably thinking, "oh man!" but really it's not bad at all. The time flies, and we really are picking up on it.
The hubby and I are trying to use it whenever possible in whatever situations....even if it means sounding like complete idiots and messing up very badly!! :) We will have the sessions broken up again on Saturday and Sunday because of course, there will be no studio.We all will really, REALLY hate to see Barbara go. She is the main reason class doesn't seem so long. She is very good at teaching Italian....she doesn't teach it for memorization, only to be forgotten as soon as she leaves. She helps you to understand the language. She is so sweet, and really has helped to make our first week in the city not only pleasant, but doable. We will be so very sad to see her go back to Clemson on Monday. :(
Speaking of Italian class, Barbara helped us get our cell phones this week. Half went on Monday, and the other half went on Tuesday. Well. While walking there -which is in the major shopping district of Genoa- we happened upon a H&M store....BENESSIMO!!!! I was MORE than excited.....think Forever21 and then some. It was possibly the largest store I had ever been in. It was 4 stories and 1 whole story was all clearance....cha ching!! HA! I didn't actually get anything; although the sales were amazing, because I figured it was too early in the trip to purchase some souvenirs....after all, we've still got a lot of places to go!!!! :) :)
It's been SO cold here!!! It's okay during the day, but as the sun sets and you get in areas that are not closed off by the tall buildings, the wind CUTS through you. Thankfully, we brought lots of things to stay warm, and, on this same day that we visited the phone place (and went into H&M), the hubby picked up a FABULOUS jacket....his Italian souvenir for the trip. Perfect souvenir for the cold weather. And, I've got to say, he looks SO HOT, SO HOT in it.
Oooo weeee baby!!! ;)
Speaking of all that wind, it does wonders on the hair, right?!? WRONG. Well turns out that it's NO big deal if you walk out the door and by the time you arrive to your destination your hair looks like a bird's nest...why??? Because, and again, another reason why I LOVE it here....myself and all the other girls are not concerning ourselves with looking "fixed" each day. We roll out of bed, shower at some point, put on NO make-up (glorious) and dress warmly, not for fashion. And I love it!! I put make-up on today for the first time since Sunday probably, and I didn't do it until 3 in the afternoon. It's truly marvelous.
Getting up each day and not having to put that much effort into getting ready?? Just making sure you are dressed warmly for the day?? Don't know what you think, but us girls here at the Villa are really enjoying the low key, low maintenance lifestyle!!
And speaking of the girls, can I just say, I love everyone here!! :) I can tell that this semester is going to include as little amount of drama as it possibly can....everyone is very laid-back, go with the flow, and no one is trying to suit themselves. Because let's face it -when you have this many people, you have to set aside your own wants and do what's best for the group. ALL of us have been hanging out and it's been a blast. There aren't any "cliques" forming, which sometimes happens, and I don't like that. Everyone feels included. We probably sit around the dinner table each night for at least 2 hours talking and laughing. It's so great!!! I'm so thankful to have made 16 new, amazing friends!!! :)
A smaller group of us that went to an Italian play with Luca and friends.
So, all in all, I'd have to say, the life is good. Each day is a brand new day full of adventure, full of new friends, full of new experiences, and full of photos to remember it all in the years to come. We are so richly blessed!!
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